All Classes and Interfaces

The Application is the default implementation of the application graph.
The ApplicationGenerator contains several methods to generate and transform applications.
The ApplicationProvider interface applies to classes that provide an Application.
The Architecture is the default implementation of the architecture graph.
The ArchitectureGenerator contains several methods to generate and transform architectures.
The Attributes is the default implementation of the IAttributes interface using a HashMap.
A Base64 encoder/decoder.
The BellmanFord algorithm.
This class performs a binary search on a linear search problem, i.e., it search if some variables have to be 0 or 1 to fulfill all constraints.
The ClassDictionary is used to look up class-related information about the classes modeling elements of the specification, such as their string names.
Defines a color scheme for an AbstractGraphPanelFormat.
The Common class contains common methods for reading and writing a Specification.
The Communication is the default implementation of the ICommunication interface.
The CommunicationLearn learns units from the communication variables.
The ConstraintPreprocessing performs a preprocessing on constraints.
The Dependency is the basic edge element in Application graphs.
The Edge is the basic edge element in a Graph.
The Element is the default element.
The Encoding transforms the exploration problem into a set of constraints.
The Graph is the default graph implementation.
The IAttributes interface applies for classes that contain attributes.
The ICommunication is a marker interface for communication nodes (messages, streams) in the Application.
The IdProvider generates unique ids with a given prefix.
The ImplementationEvaluator evaluates the implementation.
Input module for SpecificationTypeBaseds imported from tgff-files.
The Interpreter receives a Model that satisfies the constraints and determines the corresponding Specification.
The Link is the basic edge element in Architecture graphs.
The LinkTypes is a Map of different types of Links.
The Mapping represents a mapping from a Task to a Resource.
The MappingGenerator contains several methods to generate and transform mappings.
The Mappings represent a set of Mapping elements.
The Graphs provides several useful static methods and classes.
The DirectedLink is a Link wrapper that contains the source Resource and destination Resource.
The Node is the basic vertex element in a Graph.
The Parameter interface.
The ParameterRange is a double-valued parameter within a lower and an upper bound.
The ParameterRangeDiscrete is a Integer-valued parameter within a lower and an upper bound.
The ParameterReference is a reference to a Parameter of an Element.
The Parameters provides methods to create Parameter attributes.
The ParameterSelect is a parameter that selects from a set of elements.
The ParameterUniqueID is a parameter that assigns a unique id which is an integer value.
The ReaderTGFF imports an Application, Mappings and a set of Resource types from a .tgff-File, as generated by Task Graphs For Free (TGFF).
The Resource is the basic vertex element in Architecture graphs.
The ResourceTypes is a Map of different types of Resources.
The RoutingFilter uses a simple graph-based approach to remove unreachable vertices from routings.
The RoutingGenerator contains several methods to generate and transform routings.
The Routings maps Task elements to a subgraph of the Architecture consisting of Resource vertices and Edge edges.
When bound during an exploration, the RoutingVariableClassOrder adjusts the VariableClassOrder to an order beneficial for the constraints defined in Encoding.
The SATConstraints objects initializes constraints and applies the preprocessing.
The SATIncremental class is used to add constraints at run time.
The SimpleViewer can be used to display a Specification given as XML.
The SingleImplementation determines an implementing Specification from a general Specification.
The Solving returns a Model for a set of constraints.
The Specification consists of an Application, Architecture, Mappings, and Routings.
The SpecificationReader reads a Specification from an InputStream or file.
A SpecificationTransformer changes the Specification before the design space exploration starts.
Basic Transformer from a SpecificationTypeBased to a Specification.
The SpecificationValidator fails fast if the Specification is infeasible.
The SpecificationViewer views a specification in a separate frame.
The SpecificationWriter write a Specification to an OutputStream or File.
The SpecificationWriterAnonymized writes an anonymized Specification to a File.
A class that clears the population if no new individuals (individuals that are either dominated or dominate other population members) came into the population for a defined number of iterations.
The StrongComponentClusterer clusters a graph into strongly connected components using Tarjan's algorithms.
The Task is the basic vertex element for Application graphs.
Type of a Task.
The Units contains unit assignments.
The ValidImplementationPredicate is a Predicate that returns true if the Specification is a valid implementation.
The ValidImplementationPredicate is a Predicate that returns true if the Specification is a valid specification.
The ValueObject is a superclass for all comparable objects based on their fields.
The VariableClassOrder contains variable classes which are explored by the genetic algorithm during the design space exploration.
The Variables contains static methods to generate variable objects.